Organizations Surveyed
What is a startup?
For the purposes of this study we invited survey responses from organizations founded in 1998 or later with budgets of $2 million or less.
What organizations/initiatives are included in the sample?
More than 400 invitations to complete the survey were emailed in November and December 2008; 290 respondents began the survey. Of those, 230 qualified to be included in the final sample: that is, they were founded in 1998 or later and have annual budgets of $2 million or less. 187 of those 230 respondents completed the entire survey. We estimate that there are slightly more than 300 Jewish startup initiatives nationwide. This would indicate an overall response rate of about 75%, and a completion rate of just over 60%. Additional details on the survey methodology will be available in the longer report, which is forthcoming. Additional details on the methodology are available here.
The list
In order to protect the confidentiality of survey respondents and non-respondents alike, this list includes (1) the 309 initiatives we identified through the survey process, regardless of whether they responded to the survey or not; (2) additional initiatives identified since the survey closed; and (3) self-identifying initiatives that have signed up here.
Can't find your organization on this list? We'd like to know about it for future research. Add it here.